Aug 12, 2020

Creative Inspo, No. 14

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

I recently social distanced hung out with a couple of friends (outside, obviously) for the first time. It felt freeing - a little scary, but freeing. We obviously wore masks and when we took them off to drink water we stepped away from each other. It just made me happy.

Otherwise, I'm doing the same old, same old. Reading, watching shows and movies, and reading some more.


Like most people, I've been listening to Taylor Swift's new album, folklore. The album is so whimsical. I love all the songs, but some of my favorites include: exile, my tears ricochet, august, and invisible string.



I embroider occasionally. I find it to be relaxing and another art form. I love these "aerial-view" pieces from this artist. It's amazing to me how real the ocean and beaches look.


I love the desert and mountain vibes in her works. I love the colors. I just... love it.


Becoming by Michelle Obama

"For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end... It's all a process, steps along a path. Becoming requires equal parts patience and rigor. Becoming is never giving up on the idea that there's more growing to be done."


Yes, You Should Speak Up If Your Family or Friends Post Something Racist by Brittany Wong by Huffpost

"They (black people) need you to talk about what it means to be Black in America and, more important, what it means to be white. People of color have historically depended on white-on-white conversations happening in the home and still are today."

AOC Shut Down a Congressman Who Insulted Her, Reminding Me Why I'm Proud to Be a F*cking B*tch by Lucy Diavolo by Teen Vogue

"So I’m proud to be a f*cking b*tch, even if the words sting, because I know it means the people who built the walls are afraid of how close we’re coming to knocking them down. They can call me whatever they want; it’s not going to stop me."

How to Build a Monument by Roxane Gay by WePresent

"This is a moment that demands the repudiation of silence in the face of this oppression. All too often, people remain silent in the face of bigotry. They are aware racism persists, that police brutality is rampant, that voters across the United States are disenfranchised, but they decide there’s nothing they can do about it, so feeling bad about it is enough. Such laments are not nearly enough. One of the most important things white people, in particular, can do, is not remain silent about racism. It is important to actively and consistently acknowledge racism and its effects, call out racism when you witness it, and use your privilege to demand equity whenever and wherever you can. You have to be willing to hold yourselves, your friends and neighbors, your coworkers, your community, and your family accountable for the prejudices they hold. You have to abandon the notion of allyship, abandon the comfortable distance allyship provides, and decide you are only as free as the most marginalized members of your community."


Photos I've taken as of late:

Here's a little before and after of our family room furniture (including my dad watching hockey in one):
