I'm in a Digital Media course this quarter, and we are expected to perfect our video skills. I'm pretty poor at video, so this is a learning process. This week we were to film a 20-second video portrait.
I've known Ganiv for two years now. We were first introduced to each other in a Freshman Interest Group at Western and our friendship blossomed from there (cheesy, I know). Ever since, we've gone on photography adventures, eaten donuts, and exlored various spoken word events.
Thanks to my good friend, Ganiv, for doing this for me!
Name: Ganiv Kahlon
Born and Raised: Bellingham, WA
Major: International Studies
3 Things: "I'm passionate about Indian classical music. Traveling is part of who I am and I love to experience different cultures. I'm also obsessed with scarves."
Motto: "Start the day off with positive vibes. Laugh and cherish every moment of life because we never know which moment will be our last."