Yesterday was my last first day of school. I've been in school for about 17 years of my life. I'm 21 years old, so that's a pretty dang long time.
I have six months left. I have six months left of school, after so many of my years at school - only six months left. I keep repeating that because it's a little bit hard to believe.
Senioritis is kicking in a little bit. It's the second day and I don't want it to start (even though it's already started). Part of me wants to be graduated and having my own time after working to do whatever I want and not worry about homework. The other part of me just doesn't want to adult and wants the safety of college life to hang around me forever.
I know that senior year is going to fly by and soon enough I'll be throwing my cap in the air. I know that me not wanting to adult will soon be me adulting. I know that I won't have the safety and security of college life forever. I know, I know, I know.
It's just crazy that the moment you've been talking about and dreaming about and been scared about is almost here. The day that school finally ends is almost here. I know I might be getting ahead of myself as it's only the second day of this quarter. However, I know it'll fly by.
Now, here's to two more quarters of my last first's of school.
Here goes nothing!