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Thank You

Thank you, Western. You've been good to me.

Here I am writing as a newly graduated adult. Wow.

It's only been a few days since said graduation and I haven't been able to process it yet. I mean, that should make sense as it's only been a few days. However, I think it'll probably take a year or so before I can process it. It'll just feel like a longgggg break.

I know everyone says that "they change" in college and I'm going to have to agree.

Before starting college, I wanted to get out of Arizona. I wanted to be somewhere where I didn't know anyone. I wanted to be uncomfortable and challenge myself. And as a shy just-graduated high schooler, I did just that. I talked to people online before going to Western, but when I came here, I didn't know anyone. I was forced to be social and social I became. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though, I'm still an introvert. But, I did make friends and did live in a dorm with a stranger.

At Western, I realized many things. I realized I am not as neat and organized as I thought I was - I was just that way because my mother was that way. I'm actually really messy (oops!). I have a love for feminism and women, gender and sexuality studies. I mean, everything we study is depressing, but I have a passion for it and I learned that through a GUR (I guess they are good for something!).

I realized if someone in your life isn't adding anything to it, they aren't worth being around. I realized friendship goes both ways and if someone isn't reciprocating, maybe it's not meant to last. I realized that trying to force friendships is exhausting and not worth it if there's not chemistry already there. I realized that I'm good at what I do and I need to not be worried that I'll mess it up. I realized that the best friends are ones that you feel one hundred percent comfortable around, treat you like family, and are there to buy you a drink when you need one.

All of this sounds cliche and cheesy and this and that, but I'm in a good place and I got Western to thank for that.

Bellingham is full of wonderful, kind people - it has it's faults, but what place doesn't?

I met the most amazing people here. I've become confident in myself and my career.

Thank you, Western. You've been good to me.



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